Happy life-beauty

Find for a happy tips Everyone desires to be happy and this wish is absolutely legitimate. Let me share with you some tips about how to live a happy life: 1) Learn to love yourself, because from healthy self-love and self-respect starts love and respect toward others. Even Bible says: ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ (Matthew 22:39)


2) Another very important thing on the list of tips for a happy life is – stop caring about what others think, especially if they put on you labels that you don’t like or if they try to bring you down. Ignore all of those. Of course, accept encouragements and uplifting faith in you from people who love and care about you, but never try to please everybody. 3) Learn to listen the voice of your soul or your intuition. It happened to me many times when, for example, before doing something my “inner voice” (or intuition) told me the right way to do it (I kind of knew it inside), but I stubbornly continued to go my own way and thus, it took a lot longer to achieve my goal. Now I know how important it is to listen to my soul’s gentle whisper. 4) Never criticise other people, even if the temptation to do so is very big! Criticism and judging is negative energy, it can only cause negative feelings and bring harm to your inner harmony. Also, remember, it’s only your opinion which can be a mistake. 5) Leave your past behind. It’s not easy to advance in life by carrying heavy burden of past heartbreaks and memories of difficult situations. Free yourself from this unnecessary load. Start your life anew, as if it’s a brand new white canvas and you can create beautiful and happy masterpiece of your choice. Unload the heavy and excessive baggage from your house, life and soul – throw everything unnecessary, it can be old clothes, books, emotions and memories…things that weigh you down. 6) Get excited about life and keep your childlike wonder. Expect nothing less than the very best from your life. Believe in miracles and anticipate amazing things to come. Have a great attitude to achieve greater altitudes and see the life with eyes-wide wonder, as you did when you were a child! Even Bible says: “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14) Know that you are worthy of great things! 7) Humour, laughter and positive attitude. Learn to laugh often and dwell on the positive. What you focus on – grows, so focus on great and positive things rather than on your mistakes and failures. Count your blessings and not your miseries. Like this your life will blossom with happiness and joy!
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