YS Good healthy habits

Tips on Good Healthy Habits to live healthy and have long life
Cultivate Good healthy habits to live healthy and have long life. For example by doing following four things: being active for thirty minutes a day, eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and by avoiding smoking and excess alcohol, you can cut down on your risk of having a stroke by half. While these are quite obvious steps, there are some steps which are not so obvious.
We share with you here best of the best selected following good healthy habits to live healthy and have long:


1. Be active after you retire: People who are less active after retirement put on weight and incidence of obesity and chronic disease are thus more in their case. Nurture any hobby which involves physical activities and keep yourself busy, healthy and have long life.
2. Be Conscientious: The people who have conscientious personality are more likely to live a healthy and have long life. This personality attributes are being prudent, dependable, persistent, and well organized as such people are more inclined to protect their health, undergo routine health checkups and make choices that contribute to stronger relationships, happier marriages and more satisfying work lives than the less conscientious people.
3. Have Friends to remain connected: It is very important especially for old people to have friends to live healthy and have long. Have plentiful social connections. This way the elderly widows and widowers can avoid depression.
4. Go for your friends selectively: Companions’ lifestyles do pass on to you. For example smoking and obesity are socially contagious. So take care and choose your friends who have healthy lifestyles.
5. Happy married life: Happily married people tend to live longer than their single counterparts. This is due to the social and economic support which marriage provides.
6. Avoid smoking: Quit smoking. This is very harmful and affects your health and longevity adversely.
7. Don’t be overweight: Slim down, if you are overweight. Overweight people are prone to diabetes, heart disease and other life shortening conditions. Belly fat is more dangerous to have. To reduce belly fat eat more fiber and do exercises regularly. To control your weight, follow our healthy eating tips to loss weight.
8. Get adequate sleep: Sleep is very important for you as your body regulate and heal cells while you are sleeping. Adequate sleep also lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and mood disorders.
9. Manage your stress and be less neurotic: Stress management not only helps prevent heart disease, but can actually reverse it. Centenarians tend not to dwell on their worries or internalize them. Keep socially connected to manage your stress. You can try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, tai chi or exercises to control your stress. Don’t indulge into drinking or eating chips in front of TV to avoid stress.
10. Have fiber-rich cereal in breakfast: The best thing to do for older people to maintain their blood sugar levels throughout day is to have whole-grains servings, especially in the morning.
11. Eat whole foods, not supplements: Stay away from nutrient-lacking white foods (breads, flour, and sugar) and go for colorful fruits and vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals. (Heart healthy foods)
12. Be physically active: This will help in keeping your arteries healthy. Exercises immensely benefit you in improving your mood, mental alertness, muscle mass, bones, heart health, etc. You don’t need to go to gym or do hard exercises. You can simply walk around the neighborhood or local mall for about thirty minutes a day. Yoga is equally beneficial as going to gym.
13. Better avoid, if you must then drink in moderation: The limit should be one drink a day for women and one or two for men.
14. Forgiveness has health benefits: Chronic anger contributes to heart disease, stroke, decreased lung function and other ailments. Forgiveness will lower your anxiety, reduce your blood pressure and make you breath more easily. These benefits tend to amplify as you grow old.
15. Develop a sense of purpose: Cultivate hobbies and find out activities that give you a sense of purpose. People with a strong sense of purpose are less likely to suffer from heart troubles and lifestyle disease than those with a low sense of purpose.
16. Get Spiritual: It gives you peace of mind and you also develop a social network with the people who worship together. People who attend religious services tend to live longer than people who do not attend.
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