Home Remedies For Increasing Breast Size

The breasts happen to be one of the most appealing physical features of a woman. In addition to making a woman look more attractive, they can boost a woman’s self-confidence and moral esteem. Sadly, not every woman out there is endowed with the perfect pair of breasts that match her height, weight and personality.
Increasing Breast Size
Some women end up with small breasts that make them feel awkward about dressing up or moving around in social circles. Although the reasons for small breasts may vary, most women wishing to increase their breast size usually opt for surgery. In addition to being an expensive procedure, breast enhancement procedure does not always provide fruitful results and can leave permanent side effects that can be even more devastating to


Effective Home Remedies For Increasing Breast Size
Increasing breast size does not necessarily warrant surgery. There are simpler and more natural ways to achieve the desired breast size than going under the knife for the same. So if you are on the lookout for such remedies that can help you get bigger breasts, here are some excellent ideas that you can try out within the confines of your home. These remedies may take some time to provide fruitful results. But you can be rest assured that the end results would be effective, and would come with a reward of absolutely no side effects at all! Regular Breast Massages
Massaging your breasts regularly is considered to be one of the best home remedies to naturally increase breast size. A regular breast massage for about 30 minutes every day can effectively increase the breast by one cup size in just one month!
Massaging your breasts would increase blood flow as well as the flow of phytoestrogens found in the bloodstream to the breast (hormones instrumental in the growth of breasts). Massaging the breasts regularly would also stimulate the increased production of prolactin, a breast enlarging hormone that would be instrumental in increasing the breast size.
How you need to do it: Rub the palms of your hand together as fast as you possibly can. This would generate some heat and energy. After rubbing your hands rapidly together for about 6-10 seconds, place them on the breasts. Rub your breasts inwards (clockwise direction on the right breast and anticlockwise direction on the left breast).
Continue rubbing the breasts for about 2 seconds (considered as one count). Follow this with at least 300 counts each in the morning and night every day for a month to effectively increase your breast size. The exercise may take about 15 minutes and you would need to rub your hands together at regular intervals to keep the heat and energy flowing into the breasts.
Breast Massage Bust Increasing Exercises
Certain exercises can target the breast muscles and help them grow, thereby increasing your breast size effectively (and naturally). The following exercises can be done at your home and do not cause much strain on the body as well.

Stand straight facing a wall (at arm’s length). Place your palms on the wall and push against it without bending your elbows.
Keep pushing for about 10 seconds and take a break. Repeat the exercise for about 20 times each once in the morning and evening for desirable results. Stand straight with your arms by your side. Swing both arms in the clockwise direction for about 10-15 counts. Take a small break (about 5 seconds) and swing your arms in the anticlockwise direction next for about 10-15 counts. Repeat this exercise for about 10 minutes at regular intervals throughout the day to effectively increase your breast size in a short span of time.
Swinging Arms Household Chores The use of electronic items to do the household chores has left women with unhealthy bodies that lack physical exercise. One of the best ways to naturally increase breast size in this case would be to manually do those chores that require plenty of arm movements. An excellent example would be grinding.
Household Chores Eat Estrogenic Foods
Your breast size can significantly depend on the presence or absence of certain hormones in your body. While the presence of male hormones like testosterone can impede breast growth, absence of estrogen can also reduce breast development and leave you with small, underdeveloped breasts.
The best way to overcome this is to eat foods rich in estrogen. Excess levels of estrogen in the body would regulate the hormonal levels and help you achieve bigger breasts in a short span of time. Some of the best natural sources of estrogen include chicken head soup, anise seeds, soy foods, vegetables, legumes, fruits, eggs, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds etc.
Increasing your intake of healthy fats can help increase your breast size, provided you don’t put on weight everywhere else. Avoid unhealthy fats that can create health related problems in the long run. Stick to healthy fats found in foods like eggs, avocados, nuts, olive oil, fatty (oily) fish, and peanut butter etc. and follow it up with regular exercises to make sure the fat your derive from these foods reach your breasts without stopping anywhere in between.
Radish has been linked to natural breast enhancement in several studies and is known to contain potent astringent properties that would help improve the blood flow to the local tissues, including those found in the breasts. Increased blood circulation to the breasts would help increase breast size quickly and effectively.
Radish Opt For Natural Supplements
Lack of certain minerals and vitamins in the body can lead to hormonal imbalances which in turn can cause underdeveloped or small breasts. In these cases, opting for natural supplements can help prevent these deficiencies and promote normal breast development. Some of the natural supplements that aid in breast growth include: Amino Acids
In addition to increasing the breast size, amino acids are known to help burn excess fat stores in the body and prolong the aging process. Amino acids also have properties that emulate those of the growth hormone needed for breast enlargement.
Taking amino acid supplements on a regular basis would therefore, help increase breast size quickly, effectively and naturally.
Vitamin deficiencies can have a negative impact on your breast size. While each vitamin (Vitamin A, C, E and B6) has its own specific role in breast enhancement, combined together, these vitamins can help promote breast development to a great extent. For instance, Vitamin A helps promote skin cell regeneration and rejuvenation. Vitamin C helps in collagen restoration, thereby increasing the fullness and support of cellular tissues and skin (including those found in the breast). Vitamin B6 aids in formation of new blood cells. And Vitamin E helps regulates the cholesterol levels in the body, thereby preventing the formation of excess fat stores in other parts of the body. Together, these vitamins can help increase the breast size naturally without causing any side effects in the process.
Vitamin C Wear Breast Enhancing Clothes
The clothes you wear can either highlight your breasts or make them look downright flat (even if you have a normal bust size). Always make it a point to choose clothes that do not flatten out your chest as this can be detrimental to your breasts. If you have small breasts, opt for padded bras and clothes that would make your breasts look bigger and fuller. - See more at: http://www.searchhomeremedy.com/home-remedies-for-increasing-breast-size/#sthash.K69yF480.dpuf
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