How to Be Happy

If you want to learn how to be happy, let’s first talk about your inner world. This complex internal landscape is an amalgam of your thoughts, beliefs, childhood programs, fears, wants, feelings, and emotions. The first factor is the situation you were born into. This includes your parents, your circumstances, your financial support, where you were born, etc. Basically it is what you were born with and the life you were born into. You can’t really change that so don’t worry about it. There are many fantastic methods for letting go of the negative and turning it into the positive. Here are my favorite resources for learning to let go:


Release Technique - Similar to the Sedona Method, this method offers an extremely effective approach to ridding yourself of all attachments and aversions. Unlike the next two methods, this one isn’t really that woo woo. The Release Technique asserts that “life is a decisionâ€? and happiness is a choice. Visit the Release Technique. Dr. David Hawkins - Dr. Hawkins believes that authentic happiness comes from a complete state of surrender. He takes a very spiritual approach to happiness. Read more about Dr. Hawkins. Kahuna Ho'okahi Laurie Grant - I have worked with Laurie for over 13 years—she is a very powerful and empowering teacher. If you really want to work closely with a mentor, she is your gal. Like Dr. Hawkins, her teachings are very spiritual and metaphysical in nature. For Laurie, learning how to be happy requires clarity, focus, and a deep connection with the divine. Visit Laurie Grant's site. Read more on learning to let go and why it’s so important for finding happiness. Here are my favorite resources for transmuting the negative into the positive. Law of Attraction - The basic idea behind the law of attraction is that what you think is what you create. If you are positive and optimistic, do things that only make you feel good, and eliminate all thoughts and feelings that make you feel bad, then you create a very positive and optimistic future.* The best teachers for the law of attraction are Esther Hicks and Abraham. (*NOTE: Some people think this idea is utterly ridiculous, or worse, reckless. If you are one of these naysayers, I would encourage you to open your mind and consider the value of positive thinking. There is nothing wrong with being positive, in fact there are many beneficial by-products of thinking positive thoughts. It may or may not give you control over your future, but it does increase endorphins, regulate heart rhythms, lower blood pressure, and generally makes you a much more pleasant person to be around. That doesn’t sound so bad to me.) The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks Positive Affirmations – Positive affirmations work by replacing negative programming with more life-affirming statements. Through repetition, you can actually reprogram your brain to think more positively and optimistically. If you are at all interested in this technique, you must read more by Louise Hay. She is the “masterâ€? of positive affirmations and teaching others how to be happy, healthy, and abundant. Louise L. Hay Gratitude Journaling – Have you ever tried to stand up and sit down at the same time? You can’t. It is the same with expressing gratitude. You cannot be negative and unhappy when you feel appreciation for your life. Get yourself a notebook and write down 5 things you are grateful for every single day. This is a very powerful exercise for finding happiness. The second factor that contributes to finding happiness is your inner world — your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feelings. Your childhood programming, subconscious limitations, fears, and passions all contribute to your quality of life and oftentimes limit your ability to experience authentic happiness. Word of Advice Every object in your home has an influence on you. Carl Jung called this numinosity. Finally, your outer world — your surroundings — also contributes to your quality of life and ability to be happy. This is the one that is often overlooked, but not to be underestimated. Your environment, your home, your workplace, your state, your country, and your world all affect your well-being on a very subtle but powerful level. If you truly want to learn how to be happy, read about using feng shui in the home.
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