Women's beauty tips

Other tricks include rinsing hair with raw eggs or beer to make it appear shiny and dabbing toothpaste on spots and insect bites to help to heal them. The research which delved into the beauty regimes, habits and rituals found one in ten women said they would be prepared to try any bizarre tips if it made them look better. And 10 per cent said they were a sucker for the latest beauty fad.


Sleeping in socks full of moisturiser and brushing talcum powder through hair are also common. The extreme lengths which women go to were revealed following a comprehensive study involving 2,000 women by skincare experts Simple. Women in the survey also said they would be prepared to shell out £79 on average for the latest, all singing and dancing wonder product. A spokeswoman for Simple said: "This bizarre list of beauty tips and tricks just shows the lengths some women will go to look beautiful and how confusing some of these tips are. "Women have a different approach to products and beauty tips, some like to adopt the latest innovations and others prefer to stick to what they know. "We wanted to poll women to find out what alternative beauty treatments they use and what their approach is to the latest 'must-have' products." More conventional remedies to stay looking youthful include drinking plenty of water, milk and cranberry juice, the survey found. Other unconventional remedies include rubbing strawberries on the face to minimise the appearance of freckles and adding sugar to soap to exfoliate. Wrinkle busting tips were listed as sleeping on your back to avoid lines on your face and investing in a silk pillow case. The poll delved in to women's opinions of harsh cosmetic procedures with one in five females saying those who went under the knife to stay youthful were vain and self-absorbed. Nearly a third said they have "more money than sense". When asked what the key to looking young was, three quarters of women said it was maintaining a healthy diet. Two thirds hailed drinking lots of water as the key to keeping youthful but 57 per cent said it was down to the genes you were born with. A third attributed it to a good daily beauty routine and religiously removing make-up. A dedicated 14 per cent said they even go the lengths of eating particular foods in order to stay young with broccoli being the most popular, followed by oily fish. Two thirds said they find conflicting claims from beauty products confusing although ten per cent said "anything was worth a shot". A spokeswoman for Simple added: "This survey shows many women are prepared to go to extreme lengths to find the right beauty regime. "Many women are prepared to go to extreme lengths to fight the ageing process and that is their choice. But our advice would be to follow a healthy lifestyle instead of being pressured to try the latest fads or any invasive surgery. "But our advice would be to adopt a healthy routine and your skin will thank you for it – you only have one skin, so look after it. "At Simple we believe that taking care of your appearance should be straightforward and uncomplicated." Read more...www.telegraph.co
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