A lot of people say to me that they find it hard to eat healthily on a consistent basis because “bad food” tastes too good. Eating healthily does not mean that you have to say No to treats forever. Treats are a part of life, but they shouldn’t dominate your diet. Enjoying a cake or a pie now and then is perfectly fine. Eating healthily, rather, is essentially about balance. You need to eat healthily to enjoy a more fruitful, longer-lasting life. But you also need your treats to keep you happy and motivated.


It’s important that a large part of your diet is made up of healthy, nutritious food. To stay motivated, you need to learn how to enjoy, love and appreciate healthier food. Let’s take a look at how to do this.
Cook From Scratch
Cooking is a life skill that everyone should learn. It always amazes me when I speak to people who are well into their thirties that still can’t cook. Cooking your own meals from scratch means that you are always in total control of what goes into your body. Rather than unwittingly eat more preservatives and sugar than you can shake a stick at, you will be able to manage your meals. Cooking is also fun; the more you cook, the more you will be encouraged to experiment with flavours.
Embrace Variety
When I was younger, I was told to eat lots of tuna because tuna was a great source of protein. The problem is that I ate pretty only tuna for the next few weeks. I became bored of it, and went back to burgers. Eating healthily, and enjoying your healthy food, means embracing the rainbow. There are so many different types of fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs, nuts, grains, meats out there that you should be willing to try them all. Each one comes with different health benefits; spinach has a high iron content, tomatoes can reduce your risks of developing cancer, while beetroot promotes healthier hair and skin.
Eat More Fish
Fish is a fantastic source of protein. It’s also a well of vitamins and minerals that are good for you. I recommend that you try to eat two portions of week, with one of these portions containing oily fish. Oily fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce your risk of heart disease. Both fresh and tinned oily fish is good for you, but tinned fish contains more salt. Recommended fish include salmon, tune, trout, herring, sardines and mackerel.
Learn More About Food
How many of us eat whatever we think looks and smells good, and to heck with the consequences? Far too many of us have absolutely no idea about what each food does to our body. To eat more healthily, it’s time to get clued-up on what you’re putting into your body, and what affect it is having on you.
Learning about food will encourage you to try something that brings with it rewarding health benefits. For example, although spinach is very good for you, kale is even better. And while cod fish has health benefits, oily fish, such as salmon, has even more.
Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry
Shopping when you’re hungry is a fatal error; it leads you down the sugary aisles, and you end up stuffing your shopping cart with cakes, biscuits, chocolates, pies and so on.
Eat Less Salt
Everyone these days is told to eat less sugar and saturated fats. But it wasn’t too long ago when we were being constantly reminded to eat less salt. Despite salt warnings being a little less emphatic, they still stand.
The problem with salt is that it is quite literally everywhere. Forgetting added salt for a moment, around 3/4 of the salt we eat is already in our food. Food such as tinned soup, tinned fish, sauces and breakfast cereals are super high in salt, and this can raise your blood pressure. Food labels are your friend. If a food has over 1.5g of salt per 100g, it is too much.
Eat Smaller Portions
A lot of us fill our big plates out with lots of food. What happens, though, is that we don’t always eat everything, which leads to waste.
Keeping your portions reasonable eliminates the risk that you’re wasting excessive food, but it also means you aren’t overeating. The truth is that we don’t need huge portions. It takes our stomach fifteen minutes to tell our brain that we’re full. Because it takes so long, we overeat.
Stay Hydrated With Water
To prevent us from getting dehydrated, it is recommend that we drink up to 2 litres of fluid each day. We also get fluid from food, but too many of us are getting our fluid from sugary drinks that are high in calories, and which are bad for our teeth. To stay healthier, I recommend that you drink more water. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to flush out any toxins that have accumulated in your body overnight, and drinking it during the day helps you to stay focused, energised – and healthy.
Don’t Skip Meals
You might think you’re doing yourself a favour by skipping meals. After all, you’re not snacking! The problem with skipping meals, particularly breakfast, can lead to a ravenous appetite. Instead of eating a modest dinner, you want to guzzle all the dinners. This leads to overeating, as well as two helpings of deserts. It leads to weight gain and health problems.
Eat Good Fats
Not all fats are bad. Unsaturated fats, such as those in olive oil, are actually good for you, and can lower cholesterol, as well as reduce your risk of developing heart disease. With that in mind, you still need to manage your fats well. Too much fat is bad for you, so while cooking with olive oil is okay, cooking with butter is not as okay. Milk, yogurt and sour cream are all sources of good fats. Read more...http://www.beautyandtips.com
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