Dry Eyes Home Remedies

1 Overview What Are Dry Eyes? Having dry eyes can be uncomfortable and painful. Dry eyes can be caused by a number of medical, environmental, and lifestyle factors. See your doctor if you are experiencing dry eyes. Make sure you don’t have an underlying condition causing dry eyes. Try home remedies and lifestyle changes to get relief from symptoms. These can help you prevent eye dryness and moisturize and lubricate your already dry eyes. Advertisement


2 Dry Eye Syndrome What Is Dry Eye Syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a general term used to describe dry eyes caused by either poor-quality tears or diminished tear production. The symptoms include: a scratchy, dry, and painful sensation in both eyes a feeling like something is in the eyes redness mucus in or around the eyes light sensitivity fatigued eyes blurred vision There are a number of factors that can cause dry eyes. These include: aging taking certain medications medical conditions environmental factors You should see your doctor to be sure you don’t have an underlying condition. You can also try any number of safe home remedies to get relief. 3 Healthy Practices Good Eye Practices The way you care for your eyes and eyelids can have an effect on your tear production and the quality of the tears that lubricate your eyes. Practice the following techniques regularly to reverse your dry eye symptoms: Apply a warm compress to your eyes. This can help unplug blocked tear glands. Clean your eyelids with a mild wash. Use an over-the-counter eyelid wash or water mixed with baby shampoo and gently massage the base of your eyelashes while your eyes are closed. Rinse thoroughly. Blink often. Blinking spreads fluid across the surface of your eyeballs. Make a point to blink regularly, especially when watching television, reading, or using a computer. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight. Exposure to the sun can cause dryness or make it worse. 4 Environment ChangeYourEnvironment If environmental factors are causing your eyes to dry out, a few changes may make all the difference. Avoid smoking or being around people who smoke. Windy conditions will also dry your eyes. Stay indoors when it’s windy. Use appropriate eyewear to protect your eyes from wind when engaging in certain activities like riding a bike or motorcycle, skiing, or riding in a convertible. Get a humidifier for your home to add moisture to the air. 5 Diet Supplement Your Diet with Fatty Acids Research indicates that eating more omega-3 fatty acids may relieve the symptoms of dry eyes. This type of fat is known to reduce inflammation in the body. It may help relieve dry eyes by reducing eye inflammation, allowing for more tear production and higher-quality tears. You can use omega-3 supplements, or eat more foods rich in this nutrient, such as: ground flaxseed and flaxseed oil palm oil soybean oil chia seeds fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel walnuts eggs that have been supplemented with omega-3 fats 6 Treatment Try Drops or Ointments There are a number of non-prescription products for dry eyes that may bring you relief. Eye drops (artificial tears) can bring you temporary relief. Keep in mind that some contain preservatives. If your eyes react badly to them, try non-preservative drops. Ointments are thicker than drops and are designed to coat the eyeball and provide longer-term relief from dryness. Ointments can impair your vision while you’re using them. It’s best to use them before bedtime and stick to drops during the day.
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