How To Stop Snoring

How to stop snoringWe all know that snoring can be an annoying nuisance, but it can also be a potential threat to your long term health. Additionally, if you have a spouse or sleeping partner, snoring can lead to a stressful relationship from lack of sleep. Hey, I’m Ted! I was a snoring sufferer for years, but when it came time for me to get married I decided that I didn’t want my lovely bride to have to live a life of restless sleep too. So I got to work and discovered everything I could on how to stop snoring. I’ve pieced together all the information I learned on my quest. I’ve always been a few pounds overweight and sleep apnea runs in my family. With that combination I once thought that the only way I would ever get any sleep was by using a cumbersome, noisy, restrictive CPAP machine. I often sleep on my stomach or side, and travel regularly. I dreaded the thought of lugging that device thru airports and being doomed to a lifetime of motionless sleep on my back. I knew there had to be a better way. I researched countless anti snoring devices. natural methods to stop snoring, mouthpieces, sprays, pillows, exercises, and more.


Ultimately, I found an anti snoring mouthpiece that worked best for me. But each person is going to see slightly different results so read though the site and find what works best for you. There are countless reviews and strategies that you can find on this site. On this page you’ll find a comprehensive review of the causes and cures of snoring. But if you just want to skip ahead and read about natural methods to stop snoring and/or read reviews on anti snoring devices go right ahead! I even created a page with what I think are the best anti snoring devices, you might find that a good place to start. Read on to learn how to cure snoring. What Causes Snoring While many different causes of snoring such as being overweight, consuming alcohol, smoking, allergies or even a common cold can cause snoring, in one fashion or another all snoring results from the narrowing of air passages in your throat. Snoring can either be mild or could be a full blown case of sleep apnea, which can be very dangerous to your health. Different levels of severity require different levels of treatment. Chronic snoring occurs that occurs most every night is usually due to issues with the tissue of your inner mouth, nose and throat. As you fall asleep your throat, tongue and roof of your mouth (aka soft palate) start to doze off as well. The relaxation of these muscles leads to the obstruction of your air passageways which then causes the vibrations and annoying sounds to occur. If your snoring isn’t a nightly event and only shows up sporadically, it could be due to certain triggers like allergies or temporarily obstructed nasal passages. This can lead to an increase in mouth breathing as you sleep. Difference Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea Ultimately, the primary difference is the amount of your air passageways that are blocked. Basic snoring is often the result of a partially blockage due to a soft palette, whereas sleep apnea can often times result from a total blockage and periods of very noisy snoring followed immediately by a moment of silence when the suffering is essentially choking from a total air blockage. Sleep Apnea **It is important to note that sleep apnea is a serious medical condition and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you think you may suffer from sleep apnea, please consult with your physician.** Factors That Lead To Snoring Your Anatomy: Your snoring could simply be the result of the shape of your mouth. You could have a naturally soft palate or elongated uvula (that is the little flap that hangs down in the back of your mouth). Fortunately, this is the easiest to solve. Weight: Being overweight can either cause snoring or increase the severity of existing cases. The extra weight can put pressure on your palate and throat and lead to restricted airways. The use of an anti snoring device can do wonders in these situations. Nasal Blockage: Allergies, a common cold or a deviated septum can block air passageways and lead to snoring. Nasal strips or other remedies for snoring may help. Snoring Remedies Just like many medical conditions, each case is a bit different. Thankfully there are many ways to stop snoring. for you might be different than what works for your friend. That said, there are a handful of strategies that work for most people. Lifestyle Changes lose weight to stop snoringOne of the best ways to find the determine what snoring solution is going to work for you is to first consider what symptoms and risk factors you have. Risk factors include: your weight, family history, health, alcohol consumption, smoking, having large tonsils or even just being a man (sorry fellas). You may have noticed that many of the risk factors that lead to snoring are all things you can control. By this I mean, the snoring remedy that should be included in any regimen is to make a few lifestyle changes. Trust me, I don’t like dieting any more than you do. Additionally, I was once a smoker and I know how challenging it is to quit. Alcohol on the other hand generally only has a temporary effect on your snoring. Drinking can cause your throat and palate to relax and lead to great than usual airway obstruction, so this is really only a factor when you drink. The good news is that you might not need to go on a crazy workout and diet regimen. You could simply start by making sure to get a bit of movement each day doing something you enjoy and then also incorporating some easy throat and mouth exercises into your daily routine. By strengthening the muscles in your neck you tighten them up and increase airflow. I combine these exercises with my favorite mouthpiece and sleep soundly and quietly every night. Anti Snoring Devices With or without lifestyle changes, I always recommend the use of snoring aids. In fact a national study showed that over 85% of all subjects in a study continued using their mouthpieces for over 350 days and would also recommend it to others. So if my word wasn’t enough, that is pretty staggering evidence that mouthpieces and mouth guards are the most effective anti snoring devices. Mouthpieces come in two primary formats: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) or Tongue Retaining Devices (TRDs). Both are very powerful agents in the war against the snore! I personally prefer a TRD, but I’ve also had quite a bit of success with MADs. In fact, both are represented in my top 3 anti snoring device reviews. MADs are generally considered the most comfortable type of snoring device, and they are the most commonly used type of solution. They work by moving your jaw into a position that is fixed and keeps your throat and mouth muscles tight. They come in either fixed (solid state) format or hinged format. The hinged ones allow for more movement of your mouth during the night. Some MADs come in a soft pliable one-size-fits-all format, and others require a boil and bite method to mold them to the contours of your mouth. Some people are scared of the molding process but it’s really quite easy as this video demonstrates: All in all, MADs are great snoring remedies and I encourage you to read all my reviews to see if one might be right for you. On the other hand, you may want to first consider a TRD. They are a newer technology and while controversial, I personally found quite a bit of success with them. They work by holding your tongue in place so that it can’t restrict your airflow. One of the most common complaints I hear about TRDs is that they cause discomfort in your tongue. I agree that initially my tongue was a bit sore and swollen. But by day 3-4 I hardly noticed it. I think it was around night 5 of use that I realized for sure that TRDs were right for me. I usually toss and turn all night because my snoring wakes me up. That night my head hit the pillow and 8.5 hours later I woke up in nearly the same position, feeling more rested than I had in ages. I’m happy to say, that is the norm for me now and I love the way I feel each morning. Other devices can includes things like pillows and chin straps. I review those on the site, but I’ve found they just weren’t near as effective as a mouthpiece. Natural Snoring Remedies I’ve also tried a handful of natural snoring solutions, including simple home remedies. If you are a light snorer or have children that snore, these solutions might be the best way to stop snoring. They usually numb or soothe the throat to stop minor vibrations from blocked airways. There are also particularly helpful if you have minor cold or other congestion. My favorite natural cure for snoring is to do some daily exercises to strengthen your throat and tongue muscles. In fact, once I started doing a routine each day, I found that if I accidentally fell asleep without my mouthpiece in, I still didn’t snore nearly as bad as I did before I started the snoring exercises. There are a number of teas, sprays, and other natural snoring remedies on the market today. If you have a serious condition you likely will need more than these offer. But, maybe your child has a gentle snore you’d like to cure or you only snore when your allergies act up. If so, check out the page I have that discusses some of that natural and organic snoring solutions that I’ve found work best. Final Advice In closing, I encourage you to take action. What I love about many of the products listed here is that they have free or very cheap trial periods. This way, if you try a device and don’t like it, you can send it back and try another. Also, I do think its best to take as many steps towards living the healthiest life you can. This will not only aide you to stop snoring, you will feel better overall. Take advantage of the information and research I’ve done so that you can learn how to stop snoring today.
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