Women more at stroke risk MINJ

Women are more susceptible to stroke due to various hormonal changes they go through throughout their life and the warning signs could be different from those afflicting men. What is a stroke? Neurosurgeon Dr Mahesh S explains, "Just like a heart attack, a stroke is a brain attack. Ischaemic stroke is the most common type and occurs when a blood clot in the arteries blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Haemorrhagic stroke is less common and can occur due to high blood pressure when a blood vessel within the skull bursts and bleeds into and around the brain."


Stroke is preventable and treatable
According to Dr Murali S, Consultant Neurologist, stroke is the second cause of death in the world with the first being heart attack. "It is important to know that stroke is preventable and treatable. The first three hours after a stroke is the golden window when appropriate treatment can save the person," he adds.
Stroke risk in women
Doctors state that one in five women are prone to stroke compared to one in six men. "The majority of caregivers are women but it is they who are less likely to receive care and attention following a stroke. This is why there should be more focus on women health," Dr Murali says.
Dr Mahesh pinpoints varying degrees of anaemia especially in young women as the cause for stagnation of blood circulation. "This is further compounded by dehydration. Anaemia + dehydration = massive stroke. Oral contraceptives can increase the risk of venous thrombosis (blood clot in the veins) and stroke," he adds.
Akshata Rao, Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist in the city, ascertains that in younger women symptoms of severe migraines, clotting of blood during pregnancy, preeclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, and use of birth control pills in women with hypertension, are some of the major risk factors. "Migraine and extreme fatigue could be symptoms of stroke. But most women, sleep it off. The risk is tripled if these are indeed stroke symptoms. Hiccups accompanied by chest pain is a strong indicator of stroke which women should not ignore," she says.
Keep your heart healthy
According to cardiothoracic surgeon Dr Bharat Dubey, several types of heart disease are risk factors for stroke. "This is because the blood clots in the arteries can travel from the heart up to the brain. This is why all stroke patients should be screened for echocardiography tests to rule out clots. Once clots are diagnosed, anticoagulants can be prescribed to dissolve them. Diabetes can cause blockages in the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain. A simple Carotid Doppler test can diagnose the condition. Sometimes, heart failure, a condition where the heart cannot pump out all the blood that returns to it, and irregular heartbeat or atrial fibrillation are risk factors for stroke in women," he explains.
Hope after stroke rehabilitation
Stroke can cause irreparable damage to the individual's quality of life. "Stroke can cause paralysis, and movement and speech impairment where the person needs lifelong care. While medication can help treat the condition, rehabilitation helps individuals overcome disabilities that result from stroke damage. Physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Occupational therapy and so on can help stroke patients to learn to work around problems after a stroke. However, the damaged area of brain cannot be repaired. Several researches have shown that the adult brain can 'rewire' itself when damaged and also create new nerve cells. These new neurons require support from neighboring cells, blood supply, and connection with other neurons to survive. What this means for the stroke patient is that going to see your therapist for a one hour visit (or even a 3 hour visit) is not enough to lead to make changes in the brain. Patients need to think of physical, occupational, and speech therapy as an adjunct to stroke recovery. It is up to the patient to make the most of recovery by continuously using the injured parts of the body and mind outside of therapy sessions in everyday life," informs Rao.
October 29 is World Stroke Day and the theme is 'I Am Woman'. The campaign reinforces the fact that while stroke does not discriminate between sexes, women are more at risk of having a stroke and in many cases are the primary caregiver to an affected husband, father, partner, daughter or son.
Women tend to neglect their own health while the health of their family takes precedence. This is why they ignore the signs of a stroke, missing out on the 'golden window' that gives them a chance to seek medical emergency. Many are not aware that even severe emotional stress can cause this condition to occur. The FAST test can determine stroke signs.
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