Tips to Help Your Skin Recover From Winter

Nothing is quite as uplifting as seeing the first blooms of spring pop up as the world thaws out from winter (can it happen tomorrow, please?). Months of freezing temps have not only dampened our moods, but the constant cold air (and all those heaters) has dried out our skin, too. While the warm weather is more than welcome, your skin is still in survival mode and may need a little help with the transition to happier and more hydrated times. Here, seven dermatologist-approved tips to make sure you spring forward right.


Up Your Bath Game
Taking more baths may seem like something you should do during the winter, but it is also a great way stay ultra-moisturized as we head into spring. "The water molecules help to polarize your skin, allowing for a deeper product penetration," says Dr. Hadley King, a dermatologist at SKINNEY Medspa in NYC. So run a bath, add your favorite essential oils and bath salts, and just let yourself soak.
Swap Out Heavy Moisturizers
As we head into spring the air starts to contain more moisture, and in turn so will your skin. This is why many people break out more in the spring and summer, explains dermatologist Dr. Marnie Nussbaum. So now is the time to swap out those heavy winter creams that might start to clog your pores as the temps rise for light moisturizers and serums that will allow your skin to breathe. We love Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel for its unique lightweight formula that instantly quenches skin while leaving your skin hydrated, supple, and glowing.
Get a Tint
Like your moisturizer, you'll want to swap out your heavy foundation. Tinted moisturizers, BB creams, and CC creams work triple-duty providing moisture; SPF; and a light, dewy coverage that is perfect for spring. Dr. Doris Day, a New York City dermatologist and author of 100 Questions and Answers About Acne, suggests looking for products that say non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic to be sure they won't clog your pores.
Exfoliate...but Not Too Much
It's important to exfoliate your face and body all year round. But after the winter, sloughing away all that dead skin seems even more necessary, so some people end up going overboard and causing irritation and inflammation. Nussbaum suggests exfoliating one to two times a week and treating yourself to an exfoliation treatment or chemical peel at the start of spring. She also warns against using any scrubs with beads or harsh ingredients that can cause micro-tears in the skin.
Go for SPF Everything
Using products with sun protection is another thing you should do all year round, but it's even more crucial as we head into the warmer months when we're outside more often. And it's not just your moisturizer that should have SPF—you need it in your lip balm, too! Nussbaum recommends always wearing SPF 30 or higher and applying 15 minutes before you go outside and reapplying every two hours or if you get wet. She warns, "Nothing is waterproof or sweat-proof, even if it claims to be, so always reapply if you are sweating or go swimming."
Check In With Your Dermatologist
If you have chronic skin issues like acne or rosacea, they often flare up when the seasons change. Dr. Day suggests checking in with your dermatologist at the start of each season to adjust your skin care routine as the weather changes.
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