Essential Tips To Pull Off Dark Lipstick

Beauty is inherent in every face. When paired up with grace it brings about a striking combination that cannot be missed by any eye. Appropriate make-up goes a step further and completes the picture. I use the word appropriate here because one type of make-up does not suit everybody. Even a simple thing like lipstick needs proper attention. If you pick up tips to pull off lipstick then you will be able to carry even the boldest of colors with ease. Lipstick might seem to be a very small part of the whole make-up but can make or mar a face; especially when it comes to wearing dark lipsticks. It could either give you the very hot and sexy look or absolutely the opposite. The best thing to do would be to know about some dark lipstick tips before you decide to sport one. Essential Tips to Pull off Dark Lipstick


Fashion repeats itself and following this process the dark lipstick shades are making a comeback. Besides fall season will soon be approaching and this will be the perfect time to wear the very bold lipstick shades. You surely would not like to land up with the wrong type of lip make-up and therefore tips to pull off lipstick are just what you want. TIPS FOR APPLYING RED LIPSTICK Pulling off Dark Lipsticks What are you getting dressed up for – an evening party or a Halloween getup? Know your lipsticks to avoid confusing people. Follow some tried and tested tips and be the show stopper of the evening. Know your lips: Every face has a different set of lips. The shape and contours vary and accordingly should the make-up. If you have rather thin lips it would be best to avoid very dark shades because they give the lips an even thinner look. For those of you having voluminous lips make a go for those dark shades and give your face the much desired uplift. Know your skin tone: Every skin tone has its own preferences. The idea is to complement your complexion with a suitable lip color. The color of the skin cannot be changed but can be enhanced with the choice of make- up color. One way to determine what color will suit you is to carry a tissue with you. Apply a little bit of the lip color on the tissue. This will give you an idea of the undertones of the color. Know your hair color: When wearing dark lipstick you will have to be pretty particular about the color of your hair as well. Not that you can change it but to help complement the lip color. Dark lipstick tips often mentioned that light hair does not go well dark lipstick. It’s time to dump this thought and boldly go for that dark red color with your light colored hair. Line your lips: When discussing tips to pull off lipsticks, especially the dark ones, the lip liner cannot be missed. Dark lipsticks look best when defined well and this can be achieved by a lip liner. The best way to go about it would be to first apply the lipstick and follow it up with the liner. You will be adding volume and character to the lips. Not to mention that minor bleeds will be kept within control. Use a lip brush: In order to get an even tone of your lipstick use a lip brush. It helps spread the color well and give an even texture. It is almost like painting a beautiful picture. The picture here is your face and you will definitely want it to be real good one. Light eye make-up: When wearing dark colored lipstick shades go for very light eye make-up. Dark shades draw attention and if your want your lips to be prominent keep your eyes out of focus. Having dark colors for both could be quite a confusing sight. Sporting make-up and having the guts to carry it off with confidence is in itself a great job. When it comes to dark shades, like those of lipsticks, it requires a whole lot of more confidence. No matter how good it looks on you you should have the courage and grace to pull it off. And one last bit, take care of your lips and see to it that they are well moisturized, soft and supple. Lipstick, be it dark or light, does not look good on chapped lips. Read more at:
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