How to whiten skin naturally & fast at home – some natural tips

Instead of worrying about the harmful ingredients in skin whitening creams, you absolutely can whiten the skin with natural ingredients that are available at home with ease and safety. Having naturally white and ruddy skin without using costly and harmful beauty products is the desire of many women in the world. The article on will show you 25 best tips on how to whiten skin naturally and fast at home with natural ingredients available in every kitchen. Top 25 Tips On How To Whiten Skin Naturally & Fast At Home


1. Honey
Honey can moisturize your skin; make your skin brighter, and remove dead skin cells very well due to its anti-bacterial property. Furthermore, honey might decrease scars, acne, and age spots significantly.
Method 1: For preparation, you should have lukewarm and honey. Get some pure organic honey and apply on hands, neck, face, and other darker parts of the body. Leave it for some minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. You should do this solution every day to have the best result.
Method 2: How to whiten skin with honey and other ingredients at home? You just need cold water, a teaspoon of almond oil, a tablespoon of powdered milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients together and stir them well. Apply the paste on affected regions for 10-20 minutes before washing off with cold water. You can do it every other day to get effective results. Method 3: you mix lemon juice, honey, and milk powder together. Apply the mask on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off.
2. Licorice Root Extract
Licorice is a good remedy to cure some problems such as psoriases, eczema. This is an excellent property to lighten and whiten skin. It will reduce production of melanin and balance your skin cells very perfectly. How to whiten skin with licorice root extract? Let follow these directions:
Method 1: You should prepare a swab or a cotton ball, some drops of licorice extract. Put the extract in a bowl, dip the swab or cotton ball in the extract and apply it on your face, hands, neck, and any dark areas of the body. You might apply the method before sleeping at night and wash it in the next morning.
Method 2: You need a cucumber, a tablespoon of tomato juice, a tablespoon of sandalwood paste, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and some drops of licorice extract. Now, you blend cucumbers finely and add licorice extract to it. Add lemon juice, tomato juice, and sandalwood paste to the cucumber paste. Stir it well and apply the mixture on your neck and face for 20-30 minutes. Wait until it is dry and wash off with water. Do it twice per week to whiten skin well.
3. Chickpea Powder Or Gram Flour
how to whiten skin-chickpea powder or gram flour
If you want to discover tips on how to whiten skin fast and naturally at home, you may try this mask – gram flour or chickpea powder. This is a perfect ingredient to lighten and soften your skin as well as remove excess oil and dead skin cells. Here are two solutions for whitening skin with gram flour:
Method 1: Now, you get some drops of lemon juice, a tablespoon f milk cream, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of chickpea flour. Put all the ingredients into a bowl. Stir it well as a thick paste; you might add some water if necessary. Apply the mixture on back, neck, and face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water when it is dry. Do this method each day within a month to whiten skin.
Method 2: The ingredients for this mask include milk, a teaspoon of turmeric powder, some drops of lemon juice, and some teaspoons of gram flour. Firstly, you mix all the ingredients except milk in a bowl. Add some milk and stir the paste well. Apply the mixture on back, legs, neck, and face for 15-20 minutes until it dries naturally. Wash with water and you can do this remedy every day to relieve skin discoloration. Method 3: This method is very simple; you just need rose water or water with some gram flour. Mix the ingredients as a good paste. Apply it on hands, legs, neck, and face until it dries. Wash with fresh water.
4. Rice Powder
how to whiten skin-rice powder
Rice contains Para-aminobenzoic acid, which is used as a natural sunscreen to protect your skin. Moreover, rice is high in vitamin E, vitamin C, ferulic acid, and other vital antioxidants that can improve your skin as well as brighten and remove toxins from the skin. How to whiten skin with rice powder? Let’s find out with this method below:
You need to prepare a half cup of uncooked rice, warm water, and milk. Now you grind rice finely. Add milk and water, stir well as a thick paste. Apply the paste on the neck, face, and other dark parts of your skin for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Do this method 2-3 times each week to get rid of the dark skin.
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